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Women’s entrepreneurship : “BIIC with ELLES”, a concrete celebration of women in Benin

The International Bank for Industry and Commerce (BIIC) celebrated, Saturday March 16, 2024 in Cotonou, women from Benin. It is on occasion of the first anniversary of its innovative program dedicated to women entrepreneurs “BIIC AVEC ELLES” . An evening which allowed the first bank of Benin according to performance criteria, to re-specify its initiative, to present its champions, then distinguish them.
One year after its launch, the “BIIC avec ELLES” program, aimed at ambition to deploy a set of solutions aimed at women growth of their businesses, displays a glowing track record. Stella Chéritas FATON BAHINI, promoter of the Bourse SARL, is a beneficiary of the program. It has a few hectares of palm grove. Specializing in the production of palm oil, its search for financing, launched with several banks, only found a favorable response from the BIIC.
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